1. PayPal.Me

If you like our activities and want to support us, you can do it via PayPal at


2. One-time or Automatics payment by Donation site “Give One”
Access the homepage below. *Japanese language only
If you choose “Every month” “Every 6 months” or “Every year” (minimum 1,000 JPY/month), you can pay automatically.

3. At Post Office
Contact us for a transfer (Furikae) sheet!
please fill out the form at your local post office:
  Account Number: 00180-9-400590
  Account Name: 特定非営利活動法人地球の友と歩む会
  Please indicate it is for 会費 (membership fee)

If you need an information about automatically payment;
Please contact us. —> life@earth-ngo.jp